Monoband yagi for 80 meters y 40 meters
I recently designed an array of two yagis for 80m
(2 el.) and 40m (3 el.) sharing one single 12
meters long boom for EA5FKX Andreu, who is
building them for his superb QTH and contest
station in Alcoy, eastern Spain.
Definitive placement for these yagis will be on
top of a 30 meters high self-supporting tower at
EA5FKX’s QTH. Andreu is a well reputed
professional telecom antennas installer and
undoubtedly one of the most meticulous and
careful technicians I’ve ever met.
Design objectives for both anteras were to obtain
maximum gain with at least 20 to 25 dB F/B at
the center of each design frequency. On top of
this, the 80m yagi should be able to work across
the whole phone segment, something that is
even tough for a dipole.
Both antennas share the same boom with a total
length of 12 meters (40 feet) and have
independent feedlines. Elements dimensions and
their placement along the boom have been
optimized to eliminate interaction among both
antennas. .
Very high Q loading coils are used In order to shorten elements to a practical length of 23 meters. High Q coil
are needed to keep losses at a minimum. Coil design also took into account the lack of any parasitic
resonance on the HF spectrum.
Loading coils for the 80m elements consist of 13
turns of 18 cm of diametre with a total coil
length of 20 cm. The conductor is a copper (Cu)
tube with an outer diameter of 6.5 mm.
These dimensions and the fact that the coil is air
wounded, lead to a Q of more than 1200.
Element tubing is Al 6061 T6 for high yield.
Yagi dimensions
Radiation diagram for 80m. Maximum gain is
6,6 dBi (free space) and F/B is 25 dB
Radiation diagram for 40m. Maximum gain is
7,9 dBi (free space) and F/B is 23 dB
The 80 m yagi keeps its performance through a very narrow bandwidth (around 45 kHz). In order to
cover all the phone segment of the band, two switched arrays of loading coils were designed. These
arrays are placed in the middle of each element and will split the band into four segments. Design tried
to minimize the number of relays needed.
EA5FKX 2º operator holds one of the 80m
coils giving an idea of their actual size. (photo
80m loading coil. Element spreader is a solid fiberglass
rod which was mechanized to fit exactly inside the elements.
Plates that hold the spacing or the turns in the coil are made
of bakelite and are fixed to the elements through four
aluminium Z‘s. (photo EA5FKX)
(foto EA5FKX)
Detail of the 80m coils. (photo EA5FKX)
Coils are painted with several layers of high
quality liquid tape suitable for outdoors
environment. Electrical conection between
copper and aluminium 6061 T6 is performed
through galvanically compatible fasteners and
bolts. Additionally conductive paste was used to
ensure durability of conections.
Loading coil for 40m. It consists of
6.5 turns of 17 cm of diameter with a
total length of 10 cm. Estimated Q is
higher than 1400. Conductor is
copper tube with an outer diameter of
6.5 mm. (photo EA5FKX)
Impedance on both antennas is 25 ohms. To adapt this value to the 50 ohms needed by the feedline, a beta-
match was designed. Advantages of the beta-match are its simplicity, low losses and the fact that the feedline is
DC shorted to reduce static discharges noise. To make the hairpin raise the impedance to exact 50 ohms, it is
needed to slightly shorten the length of the driver element to create a capacitive reactance of Z=25-j25 on the
feed point. The hairpin inductance in parallel to this value raises the impedance to 50 ohms. Afterwards a 1:1
balun is used.
Driver element for 80m: The PVC box contains the relay
switched loading coils, a hairpin to adapt impedances to the
feedline and a 1:1 toroidal balun. (photo EA5FKX)
Hairpin coil and 1:1 balun for the 40m yagi.
SWR<2:1 bandwith is about 170 kHz, so there is
no need to installa a switched array of loading
coils. (photo EA5FKX)
Hairpin coil and 1:1 balun for the 80m yagi .
Using N connectors, losses are reduced. The
hairpin coil can be stretched to adjust for
minimum SWR in the adjustment phase. (photo
40m boom to driven element plate Waterproof
box contains the betamatch coil and the 1:1 balun
on a ferrite toroid. (photo EA5FKX)
Detail of the boom to element plate. Isolator is
made of mechanised fiber glass. Its width will
permit a low capacitive coupling between the
element and the boom. This U shaped plate
delivers higher mechanical strength than
conventional plane plates. (photo EA5FKX)
Placas de sujección de los elementos de 40 m
al boom. El vástago vertical sobre la placa de
unión al boom sujeta los tensores de cable
Dyneema (no conductor) que contribuyen a reforzar
los elementos.(foto EA5FKX)
El mecanizado del boom de 12 metros se realiza
en un torno de precisión. El boom consta de tres
piezas, siendo el tramo central de una sola pieza de
6,5 metros para máxima resistencia. Su diámetro es
de 11,5 cm. En la foto se muestra el mecanizado del
boom de la long yagi de 20m que irá encima de las
monobandas de 80m y 40m. (foto EA5FKX)
Este rotor Prosistel será el encargado de girar
el monstruito. (foto EA5FKX)
Amortiguador de par de torsión, Para evitar
roturas por el enorme momento de inercia de la
antena se instala este amortiguador de par entre el
rotor y el mástil. (foto EA5FKX)
N conector
1:1 toroidal balun
Left arm loading
Relay control line
Right arm loading
Click here to see a gallery with step by step images of the construction process
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